How to Promote Your Music School

How to Promote My Music School: 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Today, we’re diving into one of the most important aspects of growing your studio—marketing. Whether you’re teaching online or in person, marketing is something you need to pay attention to if you want to attract the right students and build a thriving music school.

If you’ve taken our courses, you know that marketing isn’t just a one-and-done task. It’s woven into everything you do: from your lessons and email communications to your social media presence and website. It’s ongoing, and the more you improve each part of your studio, the easier it will be to grow.

Today, I’m going to walk you through 5 common marketing mistakes I see music teachers and music studio owners make—and how you can avoid them. But first, I’d love to share a testimonial from one of our amazing Teach Music Online members. This review really captures the impact TMO can have on your business:

A Testimonial from One of Our Teach Music Online Members

Whether you're teaching online or in person, the Teach Music Online membership can help you not only with your teaching but also with getting really good at marketing—one of the most challenging parts of running a studio.

 Here’s what one of our members had to say:

"What has been so impactful to me is learning how to understand and assess my true value as a teacher and charge what I'm worth. I have felt empowered by Carly, her videos, and the TMO community's support when I went to raise my rates after very careful evaluation on my part... and then having the courage to raise my rates. This has been a wonderful game-changer for me. In addition, I enjoy the ability to ask questions to the community and learn from one another. One of my initial reservations in deciding if I'd join TMO, was my concern if I'd be in a community of teachers who would be understanding, patient, and giving with teachers who are not degreed in music, but still have a world of experience, dedication, and success with teaching. The kindness and helpful input the community has given me and others has been a wonderful thing and has helped with questions I've had. There is a spirit of support no matter what our background and expertise is. I appreciate TMO is a positive place where members are built up and encouraged.”

My hope is that every teacher who joins us will experience the same sense of connection and validation like this.

We’re excited to announce that the Teach Music Online membership waitlist is open for 2025! If you’re ready to level up your marketing skills and grow your studio, make sure to get on the waitlist now. The membership only opens once per year, so don’t miss out!

Get on the waitlist right here.

While we dive into these common marketing mistakes, keep in mind that the Teach Music Online membership helps you overcome each one of these!

Mistake #1: Not Enjoying Teaching

One big mistake teachers make is not recognizing how much their enthusiasm affects their marketing. If you’re not loving your lessons, that energy shows, and it’s hard to get referrals or keep students engaged.

How to fix it: Spice things up in your studio! Try new teaching tools, fresh activities, or even a studio theme to reignite your passion. Remember, you’re not alone—every teacher hits rough patches. The TMO community is here to help you navigate those moments and offer ideas for keeping your studio exciting.

Mistake #2: Not Having a Clear Target Audience

Trying to market to everyone is a common misstep. When you speak to everyone, you end up resonating with no one. It’s important to narrow your focus and figure out who your ideal student is.

How to fix it: Define your ideal student. Are you focused on young beginners, advanced students, or a specific age group? The clearer you are about who you’re marketing to, the easier it is to create content and messaging that speaks directly to them.

Mistake #3 Underutilizing Social Media

If you’re avoiding social media or not using it strategically, you’re missing a huge opportunity. People often check social media before choosing a teacher. They want to see your personality and get a sense of what your studio is like.

How to fix it: Start small and pick a platform you enjoy. Post consistently—whether it’s sharing student success stories, lesson snippets, or even fun behind-the-scenes content. Don’t forget to tag your students and their parents so they can share your posts and expand your reach, customer satisfaction and connection.

Mistake #4 Not Showcasing Wins and Successes

Your students are making progress, and it’s time to showcase that! Many teachers forget to celebrate their students’ achievements, missing a great opportunity to demonstrate the value of their teaching.

How to fix it: Share wins—big or small—on social media, your website, and even in your email newsletters. Whether it’s a student completing their first piece, writing their own song, or performing in a recital, these moments are worth celebrating. It also builds credibility and helps prospective students see what’s possible in your studio.

Mistake #5 Not Building a Professional Website

Your website is often the first impression potential students (and their parents) get of your studio, and having a professional, easy-to-navigate website is crucial.

How to fix it: If you don’t have a website, now’s the time to build one! Inside the TMO membership, we offer a Studio Website Builder course that helps teachers create polished, professional sites. Even if you already have a website, make sure it’s clear, professional, and includes important info like how to sign up, what you offer, and testimonials from happy students.

Bonus Tip: Don’t Be Afraid to Charge What You’re Worth

One of the most common fears music teachers have is that raising their rates will scare students away. But in reality, charging what you’re worth helps attract committed students and keeps you from burning out.

How to fix it: Take the time to assess the value of your teaching and then set rates that reflect that value. When you’re charging what you’re worth, you’ll enjoy teaching more and have the energy to show up for your students fully. This isn’t just about money—it’s about building a sustainable studio that supports your well-being and your passion for teaching.

The Mindset Behind Higher Rates

Many teachers fear that raising their rates will lead to losing students. However, this fear often holds you back from building the studio you deserve. I want to challenge you to view your rates from a different perspective: they’re not just about covering your expenses; they’re about showing the world that your expertise is valuable.

Think about it—when you search for a service or expert, what do you assume if the price seems too low? You probably think that person is inexperienced or not fully confident in their abilities. The same is true for music teachers. Higher rates can communicate professionalism and quality, encouraging the right students to choose you.

The Benefits of Charging More

One of our Teach Music Online members shared her experience with raising her rates after joining our program. She was hesitant at first, but after carefully evaluating her teaching value and feeling empowered by our courses, she took the leap—and it was a game-changer. While she lost a couple of students, the majority stayed. The result? More income, fewer lessons, and a more balanced lifestyle.

By charging what you’re worth, you not only gain financial stability, but you also start attracting students who are serious about learning. These students are more likely to stay committed, practice consistently, and respect the value of your lessons.

To wrap it all up

Marketing doesn’t have to feel overwhelming—it’s an opportunity to share your passion with the world. Whether you’re showcasing student wins, improving your website, or simply posting on social media, each effort brings you closer to building the studio of your dreams.

And don’t forget—the Teach Music Online membership waitlist is now open! If you’re ready to master marketing, attract the right students, and grow a thriving studio, be sure to join the waitlist. We’ll be opening spots in 2025, and you won’t want to miss out!

Thank you for joining me today. Let's keep the conversation going. Meet us in any of these places:

Free Facebook Community

Time management workshop

Online teaching starter kit

The essential music teacher marketing checklist

Instagram Growth for music teachers and studio owners

Sign up for the Waitlist!

Are you ready to take your online teaching to the next level? Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to know when we re-open doors to new members!


Behind the Scenes of Growing a Multi-Teacher Music Studio with Brooke Schrager